Lovren stigao na ljetovanje u Lijepu našu, družio se s miljenikom Hrvatica!

u 19:58

U svom hotelu odlučio se opustiti uz domaći ledeni čaj, a potom je otkrio kako mu je u posjet stigao i jedan od najpoželjnijih Hrvata i miljenik brojnih žena - Petar Grašo

Dejan Lovren je u ponedjeljak potpisao trogodišnji ugovor s ruskim prvakom Zenitom iz St. Peterburga u koji dolazi nakon šest godina provedenih u Liverpoolu s kojim je osvojio naslov europskog prvaka 2019. te naslov prvaka Engleske i od čijeg se dresa oprostio emotivnom porukom na Instagramu.

"Igrati za ovaj čudesan klub je povlastica, uz koju dolazi i odgovornost. Nositi grb je bila čast. Posljednjih šest godina su bile divlja vožnja. Prošli smo sve i svašta, naš odnos se razvijao i bio je izvor intenzivnih osjećaja...", napisao je hrvatski reprezentativac na početku svoje oproštajne poruke u kojoj je naveo da su optimizam, želja, zajedništvo i pošten te naporan rad doveli do nezaboravnih trenutaka i uspona na vrh europskog nogometa. Zahvalio je i suigračima te navijačima. "Bilo je puno ljubavi i kritike i svakoga od vas poštujem - budite uvjereni da sam jedino želio samo pobjeđivati, a pobjeđivali jesmo! Nedostajat će mi duh kluba, grada, ljudi. Viđat ćemo se prijatelji i želim vam sve najbolje. -zaključio je Lovren na Instagramu na kojem je otkrio i kako je stigao na ljetovanje u Hrvatsku, u Novalju.


The game of football is everything to me and I have tried throughout my tenure at LFC to be the best I can. Playing for this amazing club was a privilege, it comes with responsibility. Wearing the badge was an honour. The last six years have been a crazy ride. We have been through it all, our relationship has been evolving and was a source of intense feelings… In the end, optimism, desire, togetherness and honest hard-work have brought us to the heights of domestic and European Football, moments none of us will ever forget. Before I first walked through the doors of Melwood I promised myself I would give all I have to ensure that one day I could look back and have the satisfaction of knowing I have given everything to the club that opened its doors to me. Today it is my turn to say goodbye to Liverpool FC. Although I am no longer a team member, I don’t look at this as an end to our relationship. We have written history together and our memories will last forever. None of this would have happened without the collective force that makes this club what it is. So, I want to thank everybody, in particular; My teammates who were always incredible competition on the training ground and amazing support off the training ground, I will always be here for you. The Boss, Mr Klopp, who was the man that installed an unbreakable belief in me and the team – I thank you for your guidance and inspiration. The training staff who have made us the savages we are. The staff behind the scenes that make the club tick – Our home would not be what it is without you, I thank you for everything you did for me and the team over the years, you know who you are. The fans – There has been a lot of love and criticism, and I respect each and every one of you, rest assured all I ever wanted to do is Win, and Win we did! The City of Liverpool – Thank you for having me and my family. You will always have a special place in our hearts. What else can I say.. I will miss the spirit of the club, the city, the people. I will see you around my friends, and I wish you all the best. YNWA @liverpoolfc

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U svom hotelu odlučio se opustiti uz domaći ledeni čaj, a potom je otkrio kako mu je u posjet stigao i jedan od najpoželjnijih Hrvata i miljenik brojnih žena - Petar Grašo.

- Hvala prijatelju što si došao sinoć - poručio je Lovren na Instagramu.

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